
Enorossi Hay Tools


Enorossi Hay Rakes and Hay Tedders

Enorossi Hay Rakes and Hay Tedders


RC-8Carted Hay Rake
8 Wheel Carted Rake
8 Wheel$5,905.00
RCKWCenter Kick Wheel
Center Kicker Wheel for Enorossi Carted Rake
RT9Enorossi 9 Wheel Hay Rake
Enorossi 9 Wheel In-Line Hay Rake
9 Wheel$7,850.00
18031125Rear Hydraulic Steering Kit
Enorossi Rear Hydraulic Steering Kit for In-Line Hay Rake
RC-10Carted Hay Rake
10 Wheel Carted Hay Rake
10 Wheel$6,455.00
RCKWCenter Kick Wheel
Center Kicker Wheel for Enorossi Carted Rake
RC-12Carted Hay Rake
Enorossi 12 Wheel Carted Hay Rake
12 wheel$7,250.00
RCKWCenter Kick Wheel
Center Kicker Wheel for Enorossi Carted Rake
BR8Enorossi Bat Rake
Enorossi 8 Wheel Bat Rake for Up to 18' 6'' Raking Width
8 Wheel$8,095.00
BR-CKWCenter Kicker Wheel
Center Kicker Wheel for Enorossi Bat Rake
BR10Enorossi Bat Rake
Enorossi 10 Wheel Bat Rake. Rakes up to 21'6''.
10 Wheel$8,765.00
BR-CKWCenter Kicker Wheel
Center Kicker Wheel for Enorossi Bat Rake
BR12Enorossi Bat Rake
Enorossi 12 Wheel Bat Rake. Rakes up to 24 ft.
12 Wheel$9,685.00
BR-CKWCenter Kicker Wheel
Center Kicker Wheel for Enorossi Bat Rake
G2Enorossi Hay Tedder
Hay Tedder with 2 rotors, 12 arms working width 10 foot working width, w/15.600 x 6 tires, pull-type
G4-17Enorossi Hay Tedder
Vortex, Pull type Tedder with 4 rotors, 24 arms, working width 17 foot, Hydraulic Fold, Mechanical Tilt, 16.650 - 8 Tires
G4-17HEnorossi Hay Tedder
Vortex, Pull type Tedder with 4 rotors, 24 arms, working width 17 foot, Hydraulic Fold, Hydraulic Tilt, 16.650 - 8 Tires
G4-19Enorossi Hay Tedder
Vortex, Pull type Tedder with 4 rotors, 24 arms, working width 19 foot, Hydraulic Fold, Hydraulic Tilt, 16.650 - 8 Tires
G6-24Enorossi Hay Tedder
Vortex, Pull type Tedder with 6 rotors, 36 arms, working width 24 foot, Hydraulic Fold, Hydraulic Tilt, 4-18.85-8 Tires and 4-16.650-8 Tires