
Worksaver Powered Landscape Rakes


Powered Landscape Rakes

Specifications - 05-Series for Mini Skid Steers with Universal Mount
Model PXS-305 PXS-405 PXS-305ST PXS-405ST
Mount Type Mini-SS Mini-SS Mini-SS Mini-SS
Main Frame (in/cm) 3 x 3 x 3/16 3 x 3 x 3/16 3 x 3 x 3/16 3 x 3 x 3/16
Overall Width (in/cm) 42 / 107 56 / 142 42 / 107 56 / 142
Working Width (in/cm) 36 / 91 48 / 122 36 / 91 48 / 122
Working Depth (in/cm) 0-3.0 / 0-8 0-3.0 / 0.8 0-3.0 / 0.8 0-3.0 / 0.8
Max. Angle 20° L/R 20° L/R 20° L/R 20° L/R
Hydraulic Angle N/A N/A N/A N/A
Drive System Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic
Rotor Drive #60 Roller Chain #60 Roller Chain #60 Roller Chain #60 Roller Chain
Chain Tensioner Standard Standard Standard Standard
Rotor Tooth Carbide Carbide 2" Sabre 2" Sabre
Gauge Wheel Single Single Single Single
Flip-Up Side Shields Standard Standard Standard Standard
Material Control Bar 2-position 2-position 2-position 2-position
Weight (lbs/kg) 445 / 202 481 / 218 447 / 203 483 / 219
Product No. 360500 360505 360510 360520


Specifications - 10-Series for Mini Skid Steers with Universal Mount
Model PXS-410 PXS-510 PXS-610 PXS-410ST PXS-510ST PXS-610ST
Mount Type Mini-SS Mini-SS Mini-SS Mini-SS Mini-SS Mini-SS
Main Frame (in) 3 x 3 x 3/16 3 x 3 x 3/16 3 x 3 x 3/16 3 x 3 x 3/16 3 x 3 x 3/16 3 x 3 x 3/16
Overall Width (in/cm) 56 / 142 68 / 173 80 / 203 56 / 142 68 / 173 80 / 203
Working Width (in/cm) 48 / 122 60 / 152 72 / 183 48 / 122 60 / 152 72 / 183
Working Depth (in/cm) 0-3.0 / 0-8 0-3.0 / 0-8 0-3.0 / 0-8 0-3.0 / 0-8 0-3.0 / 0-8 0-3.0 / 0-8
Max. Angle 20° L/R 20° L/R 20° L/R 20° L/R 20° L/R 20° L/R
Hydraulic Angle  Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Drive System Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic
Rotor Drive #80 Roller Chain #80 Roller Chain #80 Roller Chain #80 Roller Chain #80 Roller Chain #80 Roller Chain
Chain Tensioner Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Rotor Tooth Carbide Carbide Carbide 2" Sabre 2" Sabre Carbide
Gauge Wheel Dual Dual Dual Dual Dual Dual
Flip-Up Side Shields Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Material Control Bar Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable
Weight (lbs/kg) 524 / 238 560 / 254 596 / 270 526 / 239 562 / 255 598 / 271
Product No. 360600 360605 360610 360615 360620 360625


PXS-410Landscape Rake
4-ft Powered Landscape rake with Universal ''mini'' skid steer mount, manual angle (3-position), Carbide Aggressor rotor, side shields & two gauge wheels, hoses w/couplers. Worksaver PXS-410
360700Bobcat Mount
PXS-410 with Bobcat MT Mount. Worksaver 360700
360375Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions mounts to side shield, for Model PSX-series. Worksaver 360375
360635Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for 10-series, includes cylinder & hoses allowing use on power units with two sets of remotes. Worksaver 360635
360640Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit with solenoid for 10-series, includes cylinder & hoses allowing see on power units with only one remote. Worksaver 360640
PXS-510Landscape Rake
5-ft Powered Landscape rake with Universal ''mini'' skid steer mount, manual angle (3-position), Carbide Aggressor rotor, side shields & two gauge wheels, hoses w/couplers. Worksaver PXS-510
360375Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions mounts to side shield, for Model PSX-series. Worksaver 360375
360705Bobcat Mount
PXS-510 with Bobcat MT Mount. Worksaver 360705
360635Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for 10-series, includes cylinder & hoses allowing use on power units with two sets of remotes. Worksaver 360635
360640Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit with solenoid for 10-series, includes cylinder & hoses allowing see on power units with only one remote. Worksaver 360640
PXS-610Landscape Rake
6-ft Powered Landscape rake with Universal ''mini'' skid steer mount, manual angle (3-position), Carbide Aggressor rotor, side shields & two gauge wheels, hoses w/couplers. Worksaver PXS-610
360375Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions mounts to side shield, for Model PSX-series. Worksaver 360375
360635Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for 10-series, includes cylinder & hoses allowing use on power units with two sets of remotes. Worksaver 360635
360715Bobcat Mount
PXS-610 with Bobcat MT Mount. Worksaver 360715
360640Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit with solenoid for 10-series, includes cylinder & hoses allowing see on power units with only one remote. Worksaver 360640
PXS-410-STLandscape Rake
4-ft Powered Landscape rake with Sabre Tooth rotor (2'' composite metal tooth) Universal ''mini'' Skid Steer mount. Manual angle (3-position). Side shields & two gauge wheels, hoses w/couplers std. Worksaver PXS-410-ST
360375Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions mounts to side shield, for Model PSX-series. Worksaver 360375
360635Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for 10-series, includes cylinder & hoses allowing use on power units with two sets of remotes. Worksaver 360635
360640Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit with solenoid for 10-series, includes cylinder & hoses allowing see on power units with only one remote. Worksaver 360640
360720Bobcat Mount
PXS-410ST with Bobcat MT Mount. Worksaver 360720
PXS-510-STLandscape Rake
5-ft Powered Landscape rake with Sabre Tooth rotor (2'' composition metal tooth) Universal ''mini'' Skid Steer mount. Manual angle (3-position). Side shields & two gauge wheels, hoses w/couplers std. Worksaver PXS-510-ST
360375Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions mounts to side shield, for Model PSX-series. Worksaver 360375
360635Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for 10-series, includes cylinder & hoses allowing use on power units with two sets of remotes. Worksaver 360635
360640Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit with solenoid for 10-series, includes cylinder & hoses allowing see on power units with only one remote. Worksaver 360640
360725Bobcat Mount
PXS-510ST with Bobcat MT Mount. Worksaver 360725
PXS-610-STLandscape Rake
6-ft Powered Landscape rake with Sabre Tooth rotor (2'' composite metal tooth) Universal ''mini'' Skid Steer mount. Manual angle (3-position). Side shields & two gauge wheels, hoses w/couplers std. Worksaver PXS-610-ST
360375Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions mounts to side shield, for Model PSX-series. Worksaver 360375
360635Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for 10-series, includes cylinder & hoses allowing use on power units with two sets of remotes. Worksaver 360635
360640Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit with solenoid for 10-series, includes cylinder & hoses allowing see on power units with only one remote. Worksaver 360640
360730Bobcat Mount
PXS-610ST with Bobcat MT Mount. Worksaver 360730
PTC-525Landscape Rake
5-ft PTO Powered Landscape rake 3-pt mount, manual angle (3-position), Carbide Aggressor rotor, side shields & two gauge wheels, slip clutch. Worksaver PTC-525
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-series. Worksaver 360985
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-Series. Worksaver 360985
360915Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for PTC models, includes cylinder & hoses less couplers. Workaver 360915
PTC-625Landscape Rake
6-ft PTO Powered Landscape rake 3-pt mount, manual angle (3-position), Carbide Aggressor rotor, side shields & two gauge wheels, slip clutch. Worksaver PTC-625
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-series. Worksaver 360985
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-Series. Worksaver 360985
360915Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for PTC models, includes cylinder & hoses less couplers. Workaver 360915
PTC-725Landscape Rake
7-ft PTO Powered Landscape rake 3-pt mount, manual angle (3-position), Carbide Aggressor rotor, side shield & two gauge wheels, slip clutch. Worksaver PTC-725
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-series. Worksaver 360985
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-Series. Worksaver 360985
360915Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for PTC models, includes cylinder & hoses less couplers. Workaver 360915
PTC-525-STLandscape Rake
5-ft PTO Powered Landscape rake with Sabre Tooth rotor (2'' composite metal tooth) Manual angle (3-position). Side shields & gauge wheel, slip clutch. Worksaver PTC-525-ST
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-series. Worksaver 360985
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-Series. Worksaver 360985
360915Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for PTC models, includes cylinder & hoses less couplers. Workaver 360915
PTC-625-STLandscape Rake
6-ft PTO Powered Landscape rake with Sabre Tooth rotor (2'' composite metal tooth) Manual angle (3-position). Side shields & two gauge wheels, slip clutch. Worksaver PTC-625-ST
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-series. Worksaver 360985
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-Series. Worksaver 360985
360915Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for PTC models, includes cylinder & hoses less couplers. Workaver 360915
PTC-725-STLandscape Rake
7-ft PTO Powered Landscape rake with Sabre Tooth rotor (2'' composite metal tooth) Manual angle (3-position). Side shields & two gauge wheels, slip clutch. Worksaver PTC-725-ST
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-series. Worksaver 360985
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-Series. Worksaver 360985
360915Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for PTC models, includes cylinder & hoses less couplers. Workaver 360915
PTHD-640Landscape Rake
6-ft PTO Powered Landscape rake 3-pt mount, manual angle (3-position), Carbide Aggressor rotor, side shields & two gauge wheels, slip clutch. Worksaver PTHD-640
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-series. Worksaver 360985
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-Series. Worksaver 360985
360905Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for PTHD models, includes cylinder & hoses less couplers. Worksaver 360905
PTHD-740Landscape Rake
7-ft PTO Powered Landscape rake 3-pt mount, manual angle (3-position), Carbide Aggressor rotor, side shields & two gauge wheels, slip clutch. Worksaver PTHD-740
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-series. Worksaver 360985
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-Series. Worksaver 360985
360905Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for PTHD models, includes cylinder & hoses less couplers. Worksaver 360905
PTHD-840Landscape Rake
8-ft PTO Powered Landscape rake 3-pt mount, manual angle (3-position), Carbide Aggressor rotor, side shields & two gauge wheels, slip clutch. Worksaver PTHD-840
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-series. Worksaver 360985
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-Series. Worksaver 360985
360905Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for PTHD models, includes cylinder & hoses less couplers. Worksaver 360905
PTHD-640-STLandscape Rake
6-ft PTO Powered Landscape rake with Sabre Tooth rotor (2'' composite metal tooth) Manual angle (3-position). Side shields & two gauge wheel, slip clutch. Worksaver PTHD-640-ST
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-series. Worksaver 360985
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-Series. Worksaver 360985
360905Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for PTHD models, includes cylinder & hoses less couplers. Worksaver 360905
PTHD-740-STLandscape Rake
7-ft PTO Powered Landscape rake with Sabre Tooth rotor (2'' composite metal tooth) Manual angle (3-position). Side shields & two gauge wheel, slip clutch. Worksaver PTHD-740-ST
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-series. Worksaver 360985
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-Series. Worksaver 360985
360905Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for PTHD models, includes cylinder & hoses less couplers. Worksaver 360905
PTHD-840-STLandscape Rake
8-ft PTO Powered Landscape rake with Sabre Tooth rotor (2'' composite metal tooth) Manual angle (3-position). Side shields & two gauge wheel, slip clutch. Worksaver PTHD-840-ST
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-series. Worksaver 360985
360985Side Shield Extensions
Pair of Extensions Mounts to side shield, for Model PTC/PTHD-Series. Worksaver 360985
360905Hyd. Angle Kit
Hydraulic angle kit for PTHD models, includes cylinder & hoses less couplers. Worksaver 360905