
H&S Grinder Mixers

H & S

H&S GM9117 Grinder Mixer

170 Cubic Feet, 135 Bushel Capacity Grinder Mixer with 21 inch Mill.  Self-Contained Hydraulic System, Intake Hopper and 12 foot Discharge Auger.  7 foot Long Swinging Intake Auger and Fender Package.


GM9117Grinder Mixer
135 Bushel, 170 Cubic Feet, Grinder Mixer, H&S GM9117. Light Package Standard. Scale Ready (Now Standard)
135 Bushel$75,976.00
1000 RPM PTO (in lieu of standard 540--Factory Installed)
GMOSIAIntake Auger
Corn Cob-Style Variable Speed Swinging Intake Auger for GM9117
GMOCSIAIntake Auger
Conventional Variable Speed Swinging Intake Auger for GM9117
GMORSHRear Supplemental Hopper
Rear Supplemental Hopper for GM9117
Digi-Star 2500 Scale for GM9117
Digi-Star 3410 Scale for GM9117
GMOEXT3Discharge Conveyor Extension
3 ft Folding Discharge Conveyor Extension
3 ft$1,592.00
GMOEXT6Discharge Conveyor Extension
6 ft Folding Discharge Conveyor Extension
6 ft$1,912.00
GMOSCRNMill Screen Options
Mill Screens ranging from 1/8 inch to 2 inch