Elston Gopher Getters

Elston Gopher Getter

Elston Gopher Getter. For a Safe and Fast Way of Controlling Gophers. 3-Point, Pull Type and Hand Held Models Available

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GA-800Super Gopher Getter
Elston Gopher Getter, Heavy Duty with Spring Loaded Coulter and 15 in Packer Wheel
GA-400-18Gopher Getter
3 pt. Hitch-equipped
GA-400-22Gopher Getter
Same as GA-400-18 with additional features.
GA-500-18Gopher Getter
Elston Pull-type Gopher Getter with 18'' Coulter. Gopher Plow
CYL KITCylinder Kit
Cylinder and Hoses for GA-500 Gopher Getter. 3'' x 8'' Cylinder and 2 Hoses, Less Tips.
GA-500-20Gopher Getter
Elston Pull-type Gopher Getter with 20'' Coulter. Gopher Plow
CYL KITCylinder Kit
Cylinder and Hoses for GA-500 Gopher Getter. 3'' x 8'' Cylinder and 2 Hoses, Less Tips.
GA-300-18Gopher Getter
Similar to GA-400
GA-300-20Gopher Getter
20 in Coulter in lieu of 18 in
3 pt Cat 2 & 3N Quick Hitch$3,025.00
GA-600Gopher Getter Jr.
Hand operated Gopher Getter Jr.